Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Expansion, Marketing, and Assistants oh My...

I've been examining the market for cooking classes with kids in my area, well really anything close to the market with-in a 50 mile radius.  I'll be honest with you, there isn't ANYTHING like it here.  The closest thing I found (other than the occasional cooking camp in the summer) is at a culinary school.  They offer once a month for little kids to come in (with a parent) and cook something.. well they say "cook" but what is on the menu this month??  Root Beer Floats!!  Are you serious??  Really?? and guess what they are charging?  $75 per KID!   Now I read this and thought, surely there is more to it, but no.. not really.  They are also going to decorate a cookie and "taste" some other foods.  They aren't even going to make the cookie dough!  Oh and they get a toy, like McD's... I don't get it.  They are booked EVERY month for this "service"....with a waiting list.  

I'm offering a much more "hands-on" approach that may be more worth $75 per kiddo, but I can't even imagine charging that much for a Root Beer Float, a pre-made Cookie to frost and a small toy. {{end rant}}

I could use some suggestions for marketing, so comment away!  Right now I plan to send out fliers to the local Johnson County KS pre-schools and daycare centers.  I may run a special to get me off and running through groupon, and will for sure be putting some info out to the local homeschool organizations.

As a fun addition to the cooking, I have always wanted to be a character.. similar to Miss Pattycake.. she is Awesome!  Yes, I said "IS"  I love how animated and colorful she is.  And it has come to my attention that I should probably consider bringing in a "helper" to assist me in keeping order and organizing/set-up/clean-up.. I'm thinking this would be an excellent opportunity for local home-schoolers to get experience working with kids and earn a few $$. 

Don't be scared, I know I'm full on blogging these past couple of days.. it will pass =)

Ok, ok so Kid-stuff is what I was Born to do.. I get more excited everyday as it all comes together, but I'll let you in on a secret.  I don't just like to cook!  Imagine that.. LOL  For those of you that know me, you know this really wasn't a secret at all.  I hope to expand this to include options for crafts and story-telling as well.  I love all of it and hope that this will be something that I can continue to do and maybe even contribute to our ever-growing family!

Bring on the comments, and remember to tell your friends!!

Grab a Kid and Get Cooking!

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