I heard from a representative for Curious Chef, which is actually a part of Taylor Made Products. She informed me that they would love for me to use their products for cooking classes and gave me full permission to mention them over the web as well as video. They are sending me a packet so I can also sell their product to anyone who would like to purchase it along with taking the class. This is a pretty big deal to me and I couldn't be more excited!
With that out of the way, I just need to do a couple more things:
Complete my business plan... this is a HUGE task and very very detailed.
Meet with a SBA office to make sure I've cleared all the necessary hurdles for licenses and permits
Add some business liability to our insurance... just in case
Finish my costume
Hire an assistant.. I think I know who.. YAY!
Make Fliers
Book several locations for demonstrations

It sounds like a lot, but considering where I started.. this is really good
Off to enjoy some delicious hot chocolate and then to bake a yummy apple pie... MMMMmmmMMMmmmMMmm
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