Friday, October 29, 2010

Progress.. one step forward, two steps back...word of the day "goals"

So, the garage sale went quite well.  ** more on that in a moment**  I guess first I'd like to say, I'm not sooo great at this whole blogging thing.  It is my first one and I have so many thoughts, it is possible that I am coming across with a bunch of gibberish that makes no sense to anyone but me, and I'm OK with that I suppose.  With that in mind, I'm still getting in the swing of things, trying to blog more regularly.. I'm all about setting goals lately, so my current goals are:

Blog twice weekly ( I cannot commit to exact days yet)
Purchase or Find 2-4 child-size rolling pins in the next 4 weeks
Learn how to post video on Blog (hoping for this weekend)
Find crafty way to knead dough whilst baby-wearing... this is much more difficult than you could possibly imagine! Not to mention MESSY!! (The picture below is Sarah patiently watching mommy knead the dough for the full 8 minutes without fussing, Good job Baby!)

Moving on..
So, the garage sale went quite well.  I exceeded my goal by $50 but then decided it was the exact amount to pay off several medical bills.  So I did.  Now I'm back to square one, but at the same time feeling very good about less debt.

(Some of you know that I am in the process of dragging my husband through the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace/Freedom course... This is NOT easy!!!)

In the mean time I will begin gathering little by little the items needed to get started.  My goal (there's that word again) is to have everything ready to roll at the first of the year.  Would be nice to get started sooner, but I'm trying to tame my inner over-achiever and just set attainable goals. (starting to see a trend?)  We need 2-4 child-sized rolling pins, Pie tins, more measuring spoons/cups (dry variety), construction paper, custard cups, and general baking supplies (i.e. cookie sheets, muffin tin, loaf pans), oh and supplies for decorating aprons!!

The more I think of the things I need, the more my creativity kicks in and the more detailed my vision becomes!  I don't want to rush it and ruin it.  Like I always say, "If its worth doing, its worth doing Right!", right?

Now, just because I have been busy setting goals doesn't mean I have quit cooking... quite on the contrary.  I've been cooking like crazy!!  I have a new love for cinnamon swirl bread which I will post in all its wonder with all the fabulous ways we used the yumminess throughout the week.  I really cannot tell you HOW many different ways, it was marvelous! Or as Lena says, "it is genius!"  I promise I do cook things other than bread, but it is a staple so I make lots of it, and frequently.  And the kids don't know whats coming, but they are in for a shock... I'm working on making confetti bread for next week.  We'll see if it works, and if it does I'm for sure posting it on here!  I had my Ah-Ha moment earlier today and just like all my other ah-ha moments, I just HAVE to try it!

Daily Rant... Is it just me, or do other mommies feel as convicted to purchase only things at the store that you already know everyone in your house likes, or at least will eat?  What I mean is, do you ever consider buying something that you know YOU LOVE to eat and then you just don't because you know no-one else will want to eat it?  (**side note: men do not have this built in food-conscience, they have no problem purchasing something they know only They will eat**) For instance, I LOVE LOVE LOVE tapioca pudding.  I'm in a house with 5 other people (the baby  and none of them eat the stuff.  So I haven't had tapioca pudding in years!!  I look at it and it calls to me, but do I buy it, do I eat it, Noooo.  And why??? Simple.  I know my budget and I know the meal plan.. if I buy it just for me, I'm going against all things mommy.  How could I look at myself in the mirror??  It would be an entirely selfish act in the form of lovely little pudding pearls.  Ya, I know they look like fish eyes or maybe fish eggs or even kinda like the little gel balls that show up your baby's skin when the diaper has been really really wet for a long time and you didn't change that time when I cheated and took one of the kids to the pool and didn't want to pay for "swim diapers" only to take it off pool-side as it EXPLODED nasty little gel balls all over the ground, don't JUDGE me.  Besides I have goals now and I'm sure one of them will be to buy swim diapers before next summer =)  Oh ya, tapioca... so there, I said it.  I LOVE tapioca pudding, but my stupid mommy conscience won't let me buy it.  What do you like to consider buying but never do?  Or maybe you are a rebel and you DO buy it.. share with me your courage and maybe, just maybe there is some tapioca in my future!

Grab a Kid and get Cooking!


  1. I tend to buy if it happens to be in our budget...or for example if Jello is on sale 4/$1, each one of us will get to pick our flavor. Sometimes I buy things that I know only Dylan will eat (Jello example: Sugar free jello with Splenda. The kids don't eat artificial sweetener, it messes with their tummies.) So when we buy, the kids know they're not allowed to have what Dad is having, but they get a similar substitute (applesauce, esp. homemade, yougurt, etc.) And sometimes I just by for myself :D because who doesn't deserve a little tapioca pudding in their life :D

  2. Not only do I buy things I like from time to time, but I have also hidden them from my family. ie, Oreo Double Stuffed cookies. My hubby would eat the whole package in one sitting, so I hid them. From everyone. They lasted for a month! I did NOT feel guilty. Crystal, you should try it!!!


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