Monday, February 7, 2011

Coming along...

Here is our Logo, I may do a little outlining on the letters when it is all said and done, but for now I am satisfied. 

microphone cupcakes for the "Diva Dance Party"
I haven't posted much lately, things have been soooo busy.  My Lena-bug turned 8 and we don't just celebrate the birthday.. it has to be the "birth-week"!!  We made cupcakes and cookie cake and strawberry cheese-cake (she decided to mix it up a bit).  Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of the Cheese-cake but it was lovely and gone Quickly!!

Ok, back to business...
With the business plan done and out of the way, and the first class booked I really need to take a look at what is left to be done.  Here is what we I have left to accomplish:

1. We purchased the 2 websites I will be using and (they aren't done yet, so you can't go there quite yet)  Let's see if I can add a screen-shot for you and give you a little sneak preview...YAY it works! >>>>>>>>>
There is still quite a bit to do on the site, but learning how to build the site was super complicated and that part is under control now, so I estimate having it complete and "unleashed" by Friday {fingers crossed}.  If you'll notice is my main site, and will be a sub-site, but there you can see the logo/link for it on the left (the giant chef hat probably gave it away)

2. Business Cards
Since I am working mainly under Crafty Llama Productions, the card will have my blue llama on it instead of the chef hat.  I am ordering the cards this week!

3. Fliers and Advertisements
I may or may-not have someone else design these.  It just depends on how I'm doing for time.
4. Costumes
I'm purchasing the supplies after I meet with Sassy on Wednesday and hope to have them sewn and ready to go by end of next week.
5. Insurance, still haven't done this yet... I really need to get on it, but to be honest I am pretty burnt out on paperwork after working on the business plan and website.

All in all I think it is safe to say that it is coming together nicely and should be ready for business in March.  I'm very excited!!  So excited; in-fact, I bought tapioca pudding just for me!  LOL

Be sure to contact me if you are in the KC Metro area to reserve a spot in a Free class towards the end of February for your little Alpaca as a test group and to appear on the website (video).  They must be at least 3 years old to participate. 
Thank you for all of your support!!

Grab a Kid and Get Cooking!

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