It has all been leading up to March 1, 2011; the start of my business. I pray it will go well, but I'm also afraid that it will. The support from my friends and family has been phenomenal, and they know me so well.. I just don't know how to fail. This entire experience thus far has shown they may be right, but honestly I'm a little nervous. It may be a business to grow slow and steady, or it may just take off and make my head spin. LOL I have a picture in my mind now of what that may look like, its pretty funny. =)

I hope I can work hard and make my family very proud and bring all glory to God in my efforts to bring an income to our growing family.
Here's where we are at in things:
Several small things not worth mentioning because they will take about as much time to do them as it did to type this sentence.. lol
I will be ordering my business cards today
Making mine and Sassy's Costumes this week (they are SO Freaking Cute!!)
Making Fliers for the class and a Template for the After-class take-home flier
Finish up Sub-site Kidz as Cooks
WOW we sure have come a long way! So Thrilled to be almost done with it all, and its all self-funded so no new business loans to pay off, which is HUGE!!

And don't forget to "LIKE IT"
Be sure to tell your friends about me and I'm still putting together a Mach-cooking class for a week from Saturday, if you know of any 5-12 yr. olds that would like to come participate, contact me for more info.
Grab a Kid and Get Cooking!
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